Codex Atlanticus f. 5 recto

Drawings by Leonardo da Vinci. In the centre a bellows activated hydraulic pump; on the right: a man drawing an armillary sphere using a perspectograph. museum digital codex

Here da Vinci shows us how perspectival windows were used to capture geometrically correct images of complex objects in perspective.

Prospettografo - wikimedia

Prospettografo - wikimedia

The Codex Atlanticus is a twelve-volume, bound set of drawings and writings (in Italian) by Leonardo da Vinci, the largest such set; its name indicates the large paper used to preserve original Leonardo notebook pages, which was used for atlases. It comprises 1,119 leaf (books) dating from 1478 to 1519, the contents covering a great variety of subjects, from flight to weaponry to Viola organista and from mathematics to botany. This codex was gathered in the late 16th century by the sculptor Pompeo Leoni, who dismembered some of da Vinci notebooks in its formation. It is now in the Biblioteca Ambrosiana in Milan - wikipedia